Tuesday 13 April 2010

The Breeze from Erin (1969)

The Breeze from Erin - Irish Folk Music on Wind Instruments
(Topic - 12T184 - 1969)

Willie Clancy - Uillean Pipes & Whistle
Festy Conlan - Whistle
Tim Lyons - Accordion
Séamus Tansey - Flute, Whistle & Bodhrán
Tony McMahon - Accordion
Reg Hall - Piano

Recorded by Bill Leader in 1967, Topic were again stretching the criteria when they included pipes and accordion on a recording dedicated to Irish music played on wind instruments... Willie Clancy's versions of 'An Phis Fhliuch' and 'Táimse im Chlodladh' are probably the highlights of the album, but McMahon's rendition of 'Bean Dubh an Ghleanna' is also superb.

1. Willie Clancy – An Phis Fhliuch [Slip Jig]
2. Festy Conlan – Banish Misfortune [Jig]http://www.blogger.com/img/blank.gif
3. Festy Conlan & Tim Lyons - The Bag of Potatoes/The Sligo Maid [Reels]
4. Séamus Tansey – Róisín Dubh [Air]/The Dublin/The Steampacket [Reels]
5. Séamus Tansey & Eddie Corcoran – Boil the Breakfast Early [Reel]
6. Tony McMahon - Bean Dubh an Ghleanna [Air]/The Boys of Ballisodare [Reel]
7. Willie Clancy – The Hare in the Heather/The Woman of the House [Reels]
8. Festy Conlan & Tim Lyons – The Queen of the Rushes [Jig]
9. Séamus Tansey – Paddy Ryan's Dream/Mama's Pet [Reels]
10. Festy Conlan – An Raibh Tú Ar an gCarraig [Air]
11. Festy Conlan – The First House in Connaught/Miss McLeod [Reels]
12. Eddie Corcoran & Séamus Tansey – Bonnie Kate/Jenny's Chickens [Reels]
13. Willie Clancy – Táimse im Chodladh [Air]

This album has been re-released, and can be purchased here, and from iTunes, and from Amazon.